Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority MARTA CQ310 car no. 510

MARTA car no. 510 after bring delivered to the museum.

No. 510 is a model CQ310 commuter rail car built in 1981 by Société Franco - Belge in Paris, France. It was one of the first cars purchased for the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA). No. 510 is also one of twenty cars built as a single unit with operating cabs at each end; all other cars that currently run on MARTA are comprised of married pairs.

Weiging in at 81,000 lbs and contructed with an aluminum car body, no. 501 is our first 75-foot car in our collection. The car features large side windows, three sets of doors on each side, and an interior with carpeted flooring.

No. 510 was retired from regular passenger service in 2007. After being restored by MARTA, the car arrrived to the museum on April 25, 2023. A sister car, no. 509, is preserved by the Southeastern Railway Museum.